首页 > 电源管理IC > 东莞PL82052(DC-DC降压IC)

  • 东莞PL82052(DC-DC降压IC)





产品特性:输入电压:4.6V-33V;电流:3.5A;可替代 TPS5405;TPS54331;TPS54233 ;SY8205 ;TD1583

应用范围:9-V、12-V和24-V分布式电力系统;机顶盒;CPE设备 ;外设和电池充电器



1 Features

? 3.5A continuous output current capability

? 4.6V to 33V wide operating input range

? Integrated 40V, 80mΩ high side and 40V, 50mΩlow side power MOSFET switches

? Up to 97% efficiency

? Soft-Start time can be adjusted by user to limit inrushcurrent at turn-on

? Adjustable 80-kHz to 2-MHz Switching FrequencySet by an External Resistor (Leave pin ROSCfloating. Set frequency to 160 kHz, Connect ROSCto GND, Set frequency to 80 kHz)

? Pulse Skipping Mode to Achieve High Light LoadEfficiency

? Frequency jittering to ease EMI Issue

? Peak Current-Mode Control

? Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protection

? Input over-voltage protection

? Output Over-Voltage Protection

? Output short protection

? Over-Temperature Protection

? Available in ESOP8 Package

2 Applications

? 9-V, 12-V and 24-V Distributed Power Systems

? Consumer Applications Such as HomeAppliances,Set-Top Boxes, CPE Equipment, LCDDisplays, Peripherals, and Battery Chargers

? Industrial and Car Entertainment Power Supplies

3 Description

The PL82052 is a monolithicsynchronous buck regulatorwith wide operating input voltage range from 4.6 to 33V.Current mode control with internal slope compensation isimplemented to reduce component count.

PL82052 also features a light load pulse skipping mode,which allows for a power loss reduction from the inputpower supply to the system at light loading.

The switching frequency of the converters can be set from80 kHz to 2 MHz with an external resistor.Frequency spread spectrum operation is introduced forEMI reduction.

A cycle-by-cycle current limit with frequency fold backprotects the IC at over loading condition.

PL82052uses external compensation, This simplifies theloop design for different frequencies

时间:2022-09-06 17:42:05

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