首页 > 电源管理IC > 东莞PL30502(DC-DC同步升压IC)

  • 东莞PL30502(DC-DC同步升压IC)





产品特性:输入电压:2.7V -20V ;电流:10A; 替代 TPS61178 同步升压大功率

应用范围:便携式终端机;蓝牙扬声器;雷电接口;USB Type-C Power Delivery



1 Features

? Input Voltage Range :2.7V to 20V

? Output Voltage Range: 4.5V to 20V

? Efficiency up to 96%: VIN = 7.2 V, VBUS = 16 V,IOUT = 2 A

? Two 7mΩ FETs Integrated

? Adjustable switching frequency up to 2.2MHz

? Programmable Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit up to15A

? Hiccup Short Protection with Load Disconnect Drive

? DCM Operation under light load

? Input Under-Voltage Lockout

? Output Over-Voltage Protection at fixed 21V

? Over-Temperature Protection

? QFN13-FC 3*3.5 Package

2 Applications

? Portable POS terminal

? Bluetooth Speaker

? E-Cigarette

? Thunderbolt Interface

? USB Type-C Power Delivery

3 Description

The PL30502 is a 20-V synchronous Boost converter withthe gate driver built-in for load disconnect. The PL30502integrates two low on resistance power FETs: A 7-mΩswitching FET and a 7-mΩ rectifier FET.

The PL30502 uses the adaptive constant off time peakcurrent mode control. PL30502 has an internal feature tohelp improving light load efficiency. When output current islow, PL30502 will go into DCM mode.

The PL30502 includes configurable features includeprogrammable cycle-by-cycle current limit andprogrammable switching frequency functions.

The PL30502 could isolate the output from input side whenshutdown. Once the output is shorted, it enters into thehiccup mode to lower the thermal stress and can recoverautomatically after the short condition releases.

Additionally, the PL30502 also has OVP and thermalprotection to avoid the fault operation. The PL30502 is in a3.0-mm x 3.5-mm 13-pin VQFN package with enhancedthermal dissipation.

时间:2022-09-05 11:47:37

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