首页 > 60V 250mA 东莞线性稳压器芯片,TX7530 TX7533 TX7550参数怎样?



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60V 250mA 东莞线性稳压器芯片,TX7530 TX7533 TX7550参数怎样?

发布时间:2024-08-08 03:00:00来源:http://dg.szxunrui.cn/news1032679.html


60V 250mA 线性稳压器芯片,TX7530 TX7533 TX7550参数怎样?

?Vin Range up to 60V
?Output range:1.5V~5.0V
?Maximum output current: 250mA
?Dropout voltage:700mV @ IOUT=100mA
?ltra low quiescent current: 2.5μA & 8V
?Output voltage tolerances of ±2% Over the temperature range
?Internal thermal overload protection
?Built-in Short-Circuit Protection, Current Limiter
?E-meters, Water Meters and Gas Meters
?Cellphones, radiophone, digital cameras
?Fire Alarm, Smoke Detector
?Appliances and White Goods
General Description
  The TX75XXK is ultra-low quiescent current regulator features low dropout voltage and low current in the standby mode. With less than 2.5μA quiescent current at no load, the TX75XXK is ideally suited for standby micro-control-unit systems, especially for always-on applications like E-meters, fire alarms, smoke detectors and other battery-operated systems. The TX75XXK retains all of the features that are common to low dropout regulators including a low dropout PMOS pass device, short circuit protection, and thermal shutdown.
  The TX75XXK has 60V maximum operating voltage limit, and -40°C to 125°C operating temperature range, and ±2% output voltage tolerance over the entire output current, input voltage, and temperature range.
  The TX75XXK regulators are available in standard SOT23-3, SOT89 and SOT223 packages. 

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